It has been a week since the most unfortunate incident but the pain is still as fresh and raw as it was and I don’t think it’s ever going to heal anytime soon because this wonderful person has left a very big void which cannot be occupied by anyone. He was one of a kind, he was special, he was a real angel, a sweet heart, an inspiration. A couple days back, as a way of celebrating Sushant’s remarkable life, I decided to come up with the list of books Sushant has read, reread, loved and recommended. By going through Sushant’s famous Book Club on twitter, Intoxillectual, I made a list which consists of 90 books but now after a furthermore research, I came across many more books that he has read in the past. So now I decided to come up with the second list which consist of 110 books. Sushant was someone who was very fond of books, he was always found roaming around with books in his hands, his house is filled with 1000’s of books and to be precise he read books for most part of his life so it wasn’t surprising when I found more books to add to Sushant’s Book Recommendation series and I don’t think this list will ever end because he had read so many books for a lifetime.
Time and again when Sushant was seen with books
I came up with this new list with the help of a picture shared by Sushant’s co-star Bhumi Pednekar and pictures of Sushant with books and most importantly with the help a goodreads list made by two ardent fans/friends/book club mates of Sushant, Siddhant and Manjima. Thank you guys this list would have been incomplete without you.
Now let me show the reading list of our most favorite, intelligent, sweet and talented Sushant Singh Rajput.

Sushant seen with a copy of “The Invisible Gorilla”

This man has always been a true inspiration to me and I’m sure he would’ve have had the same effect on you guys too. I’m still mourning his loss but through all these memories and books and his works, I’m trying to celebrate this man’s life and for the human he was.
Whenever I look at his collection of books and his choices in reading, I have always felt awe-inspiring and speechless because it’s not everyday you find a Bollywood actor being as intelligent, brilliant and talented as him everyday. His collection has all kind of books and these book will definitely make you an intelligent and well informed person and at the same time it’ll make you a good human like him.
You will always be loved Sushant and You are always alive with us.
90 Book Recommendation by Actor Sushant Singh Rajput (Part 1)
~ Meenu
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