
Walks through life – Stories by Santhosh Komaraju : Book Review

Title      : Walks through life : Stories

Author : Santhosh Komaraju 

Genre   : Short story ; Moral science/philosophy

Pages    : 204

I received this Review Copy from Half Baked Beans in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Half Baked Beans and Book Marketing Consultant Richa Saxena!!

  • Find that majestic mango, your problem will be solved—a mystic ordered an individual who asked for help.
  • My ax is my guru—declared a woodcutter.
  • Instead of preparing a plan to kill it, why can’t we offer help? —a villager questioned in the middle of the assembly.
  • I could not be relieved even after undertaking efforts to end my life—a scholar declared in public.
  • Can you be my mother?—a boy requested of a pretentious lady.
  • I wish I had more life to undo my past—a mischief-maker contemplated in his letter.
  • I would never relinquish them, even if I had to sacrifice my life—a young prince swore putting his life on the shore.
  • I was chained by limitations, yet I prevailed—a butcher made a victorious cry.
  • You climbed up the ladder. I did not. Who reached the top?—a brother questioned his sibling who cried for help.

    Walks Through Life is a collection of stories in which each story reverberates the same principle of truth in its own unique ways. These are stories serving as plain reminders of the supreme learning that was handed over to us a long time ago.


Walks through life by Santhosh Komaraju is a wonderful collection of short stories. It totally consist of 9 brilliantly thought and well plotted stories which are completely different from one and other. Every story will remain in the hearts of the readers forever because it had such an intensity of truth and righteous which are vital for a good life and good humane.

Reading these stories felt like reading an advanced version of the moral science stories which we all have read back at school as children. Except a couple stories, all the other stories can be narrated to kids. With these stories everybody can learn a lot of things. The intention of this book was so pure and genuine, and it will for sure change something in the reader’s heart, mind and personality.

All the stories were point blank to the issue, it was straight and direct. There was no beating around bush kind of writing. And the idea of each story itself was so unique and different. These stories had that typical ancient Indian touch to it. To be more precise, these stories were similar to the stories we heard as kids from our parents and grandparents. So it will be a nostalgic experience to the readers but these were very different stories with the same outlook.

These stories had a mild essence of mythology and fantasy but that wasn’t way too prominent. These mythic and fantastic elements only provided space for the characters in the book to be more optimistic and righteous towards life. These elements didn’t deviate the book from the core idea which was to pay more attention to the humanitarian traits.

The only problem with book was there were a plethora of complicated vocabulary, so initially it was very tiring but then the readers will get used to it. But the point is the author could’ve avoided these complicated vocabulary to in order to reach more number of audience. And there were meager typos here and there but I’m not going to take it into account because of the marvelous stories the author had penned down.

My views

I liked all the stories, these stories took me back to childhood and made me wonder why we stopped giving more importance to moral science as we grew up. These stories pointed out the tinge of selfishness in everybody and this book was like a self realization because these characters will teach the readers how to lead a life and behave. And it  also pointed out where and all I’m going wrong with my life. This book had a large impact on me.

As I’m a voracious reader, my little cousins used ask me to narrate stories for them but I will have to alter a lot of things for them because most of the book I read are not for kids and sometime I’ll simple dodge them or sometimes I make up some stupid stories. But the first that thought came into my mind while reading this book was “now I can narrate these righteous stories to them” and I’m sure these stories will help them became a better human being. And I should really thank the author for this.

At the end of the book, the author had said he will come up with another book like this one and I just cannot wait to read it!!!

I loved all the nine stories and I learn different things from all these nine stories.

My rating for this book would be 5 out of 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I would recommend this book to young readers, adults. Adults can read or narrate these stories to their kids because there is so much to learn from these stories. If you are someone who loved listening to the stories from your grandparents you will love it. If you loved moral science as a kid, this book is definitely for you. If you love philosophy, truth, righteous, humanitarian kind of stories, then what are you waiting for ? Go grab this book and start reading with wasting time!!!!

Click here to buy this amazing book!

I hope this book will help you become a better version of yourself as it did to me.

Happy Reading Folks!!!!

~ Meenu

Read this wonderful collection of Short stories, “Walks Through Life” by Santhosh Komaraju to become a better version of yourself!!!!


  • Meenu Annadurai

    Meenu Annadurai is the founder & editor of The Nerdy Bookarazzi. Meenu is a Customer Specialist by day and a writer by night. She published her debut novel 'A Place called Home' with Half-Baked Beans which is now available on Amazon. She is insanely addicted to her bookshelf and super possessive about them. She is in a serious relationship with her current Book Boyfriend. [email protected] Annadurai Meenu

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