
Book Review : The Second Chance by Suhas Inamdar @HalfBakedBeans @suhasinamdar

Title : The Second Chance

Author : Suhas Inamdar

Genre : General Fiction ; Morale

Pages : 278

I received this Review Copy from Half Baked Beans in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Half Baked Beans and Book Marketing Consultant Tanvi Jain!!

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Do you think the doctor-patient relationship is sacrosanct?

How confident are you that your friendly doctor is not a pill mill doctor and is not prescribing you unnecessary tests?

How sure are you that your lawyer is ethical and not a fat cat?

Does the new media’s febrile and vituperative reporting arouse your interest?

Do you think the culture of character assassination by the fourth estate fosters positivity in societies?

These questions are pertinent today, more than ever, as professional ethics and morals are being seriously eroded by some ambitious people.

The Second Chance is a riveting story of three friends – a doctor, lawyer and journalist – who start their careers with good intent but on the way, they go astray. In blind pursuit of unending wealth and wild success, the trio compromises on moral issues blatantly.

Will they ever listen to the voice of their soul?

Can the trio ever reflect on their actions?

If they do, will it be easy to retract their steps after travelling deep into the jungle of unethical practices?

The Second Chance is an inspiring and thought-provoking tale of professional ethics, morals and morality that will certainly tickle your scruples. Read to find out if a sinner can ever become a saint!


The Second Chance by Suhas Inamdar is a very interesting novel which touches the grey areas of Professional ethics and morals which has always been ignored or grazed upon slightly. This book will instill professional ethics and morals in the hearts and minds of the readers very strongly and deeply. And it has the capacity to change the way in which we look at certain issues.

Suhas Inamdar’s The Second Chance is a story of three friends Arvind, Vinod and Shekhar who are Lawyer, Journalist and a doctor by profession respectively. They all march towards their respective career path in the dream of bringing about a change and an impact in the society. Along the way, they all lost their way and purpose and get trapped into deceit, unethical and immoral path in their professional life. These unethical and immoral methods ultimately make them gain name and fame and money but is it righteous ? will it be forever ? will they change or continue their unethical journey ? That’s the story-line of this book.

The story starts from the teenage years of the friends to the present where they all have a commendable career of their own. This detailed introduction helped the readers understand the characters tad too very well. The author had shown each character’s shift from being a determinant teenager to accomplishing the dream career to falling into the trap of unethical path. So the change in every character was detail and clear, nothing was too drastic or unreasonable. This detailed explanation made the readers to understand the characters and their choices much better.

For about the fifty percent of the book certain incidents was quite too very similar and slightly repetitive. Just when the readers get used to the pace and exercise of the book, suddenly the book took an ultimate shift to a totally different direction. The second half of the book was more interesting and fast pacing. At certain point of time, the book was completely unpredictable.

There were couple of things which were so beautifully written, for example, the lead characters take a trip to Kedarnath and the way the author had described the entire trip and the experience was written down tremendously. The courtroom scenes were fast moving and engaging. There were lot of spiritual substance were added to the book and it was written in a way even a non-believer would be moved and enlightened by it.

All the incidents, issues and situations portrayed in the book felt very relevant and akin. Particularly during this period of time, the details provided about each and every professional field was completely relatable and the way the author had tweaked the reality for the purpose of the plot was brilliant.

My Views

The beginning of the book was quite slow and kind of repetitive but the second half of the book was mind-blowing-ly fast and amazing. The way the author had named certain characters in the book peaked my curiosity and I really loved the way he had use it.

Obviously, I had some logical issues here and there, the rational part of my mind was screaming in high pitch at certain instance but the intend and the plot of the book was wonderful and I conveniently chose to ignore it.

This book was like a wake up call. It was overflowing with lot moral and ethical values, if a person follow all these,they would definitely reach greater heights. I really liked and enjoyed this book. I always believe a book will show up to us only at the right time and like wise, this book happened to me at the right time and I hope it will help me keep my conscience alive throughout my professional life. Thank you Mr. Suhas Inamdar for coming up with such new and wonderful idea for the book.

My rating for this book would be 3.8 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I would recommend this book to people who want to learn and inculcate some solid values from a book. If you are someone who like to read books with some moral and ethical values then this book would be the absolute match for you guys.

Buy the book here!!!

Happy Reading Folks!!

~ Meenu

Read the Book Review of “The Second Chance” by Suhas Inamdar. This book overflows with plethora of moral and ethical values and has the capacity to reform anybody. And it is relevant to today’s India!!!


  • Meenu Annadurai

    Meenu Annadurai is the founder & editor of The Nerdy Bookarazzi. Meenu is a Customer Specialist by day and a writer by night. She published her debut novel 'A Place called Home' with Half-Baked Beans which is now available on Amazon. She is insanely addicted to her bookshelf and super possessive about them. She is in a serious relationship with her current Book Boyfriend.