
Book Review : Chasing Sunsets by Vaibhav Dange @HalfBakedBeans

Title : Chasing Sunsets

Author : Vaibhav Dange

Genre : Poem ; Collection of Poems ; Poetry

Pages : 105

I received this Review Copy from Half Baked Beans in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Half Baked Beans and Book Marketing Consultant Richa Saxena!!

A Kindle copy of Chasing Sunsets


Love is supposed to set you free from the cage of dualities. If not, then it isn’t love. “Chasing Sunsets” is a collection of poems that depicts the fact that love cannot reside in duality, no matter what. Good-bad, right-wrong, yours-mine, pleasure-pain are just projections of our mind that creates an endless loop of cause-effect relationship. It gives us a sense of fullness within ourselves. But as we move on in circles years after years, we realize that love resides in emptiness. The journey of our life is something like chasing sunsets. At the end of our journey, things would get clear, clear as silhouettes across the sunset. Everything which as a form will become dark and there will be light in the formless.


Chasing Sunsets is a collection of really short and crisp poems. This book is divided into four parts which are Cyclic emotions, Denial, Breaking Point and Acceptance. The poems in this book emphasized on all the emotions and aspects of life such as love, hate, fear, depression, pain, trust, memories, heartbreak, self-love, anxiety, resilience, hope, happiness, healing and many more. The poet has spoken about all these emotions with the subtle writing style yet with so much depth to it. The poems were written in the format of free verses which gave the poet the liberty to express his emotions and feelings through his words without caging himself into particular format which might have suppressed his ability to express things more vividly.

The writing style was really easily, even someone who has never read a poem before or someone who feels intimidated by poems will be able to enjoy and experience it at a greater level. Each and every poem in this book was thought provoking, deep and akin at some level, these aspects of the poem made it super impressive.

Since the poems in this collection was extremely short and crisp and on to the point, it will make readers glide through it like water in no time. But when it is read in slow and steady manner, it would give much more meaning to the words and reader will be able to see underlying deeper meanings of the words and lines written by the poet in the lines of his poems.

This book can be obviously recommended to poetry lovers and also to people who has never given a chance to poetry ever before, this book would haul your attention and make you fall in love with poetry.


I have always been intimidated by poems, I feel like I’m not intelligent enough to read and understand the depths of the poems and that’s why I run in the opposite direction whenever someone talks about poem in my presence. The last time I read a poem was a back in School that too because I was forced into it like most of us. Poems has this specialty, it gives you what your heart craves for. One poem can meaning something vague, normal and insignificant to one but whereas it might hold a a very deep and strong meaning for someone else. So, if a poem is good or not, completely depends upon the person who perceives it. I like to believe, after reading this book, I have reached a point in my life where I can perceive things deeply and see the inner meanings of words. And apart from that this poem was very much beginner friendly. The simplicity of the poems in the book helped me go observe these poems much more effectively.

Actually, this book was an accident to me. I accidentally got the opportunity to read this one and I’m glad I did. I actually read every poem twice or thrice in order to take in everything the poems and the poet has to offer. I’m utterly happy that I read it.

I highlighted a lot of poems which actually impressed my heart. And they are Unborn Memories, Permeance, Naked Nights, Rough Hands, Old Habits, Two sides, Nothing is yours, What is love, Children of the Sun, Unnoticed, Trust, Letting go, The day you were born, Dreams, Sleepwalk, Escape, Chasing Sunsets, The ways of art. Well that’s quite a lot of poems but I absolutely loved them a lot and these are my top most favorites in this collection.

I would like to recommend this book to people who are looking for poems books to kick start their poem reading journey, you can start with this book, it will make you fall in love with poetry. And I would specially like to recommend this book to people who are very much afraid of reading a poems, if I could read and enjoy it anybody can, so pick up this one without any hesitation. A non-poem reader should definitely read this collection of poem to realize how much you are missing out in your life despite being a reader.

My rating for this collection would be 4 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Click here to buy this book!

Do read this book and thank me later!

Happy Reading Folks!!

~ Meenu


  • Meenu Annadurai

    Meenu Annadurai is the founder & editor of The Nerdy Bookarazzi. Meenu is a Customer Specialist by day and a writer by night. She published her debut novel 'A Place called Home' with Half-Baked Beans which is now available on Amazon. She is insanely addicted to her bookshelf and super possessive about them. She is in a serious relationship with her current Book Boyfriend.

    https://www.instagram.com/meenu_annadurai/?hl=en [email protected] Annadurai Meenu

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