Book Discussion · General · The Buddy Reading Club

The Nerdy Bookarazzi’s Little Buddy Reading Club!

Hello Bookish people! Hope you guys are doing great!


The Nerdy Bookarazzi is back with another interesting initiative. (Drum roll please) We are starting a small Buddy Reading Club where @suchitra-shekhar and I discuss the books we have read together. (Drum roll again)

The nerdy bookarazzi writers Meenu and Suchitra
Suchi (left) and Meenu (Right)

Before getting into know more about this initiative, I would like to through some light on how Suchi and I became friends and now buddy readers. About a year ago back, we both joined a Publishing House purely because of our love for books. We bonded in no time, we started talking about books and authors in our getting to know each other phase. This brought us close. Even after I left the Publishing house for my new job, we stay connect through books and reading.

Our love for books doesn’t mean we read same sort of books. We both are different kind of readers, we love different kind of books, Suchi enjoys critical acclaimed books, books with serious psychological themes and her bookshelves are filled with book written foreign authors. Whereas I on the other hand, read anything and everything that comes my way, I read happy books, thrillers and mostly focus on Indie and local authors. But we both had same kind of TBR list which we were unable to start clearing. That’s when we decided to buddy read books together. We started with the books which had been on both our bookshelves for years that we couldn’t pick and start reading. It’s none other than the famous classic of all time, The Pride and Prejudice. We utterly loved the book but we did have some controversial views on the book. We were also happy that more or less our views aligned on the same line, of course, not all the time but mostly. When we started discussing the book, we were able to understand and see things more clearly, with our discussions we gained a lot more insights into the characters and plot. This post-reading discussion was extremely useful in perceiving things.

I have always enjoyed buddy reading even before doing it with Suchi, I had done that with my parents, my sister @mano-annadurai and my friend Petricieyah. The idea of discussing the book at full length has always fascinated me and that’s one of the reasons why I pushed Suchi into reading with me. But with Suchi, we both had lots of controversial and meaningful conversations which we do not want to go to waste. The content creator within us screamed with an alert, and we knew we had to turn our conversations into content. And that’s why we are here today with an announcement.

Suchi and I, will try to read as many books as possible and come up with a blog post, where we will be having proper conversations about the books we have read. One of the main reasons why we have started this initiative is because we would like to share our views with our reading community and we would also like you guys to participate in this conversation through the comment box below. We would love to hear your perspective as well.

Gear up and stay tuned to know our take on popular and not so popular books!

Happy Reading!

~ Meenu & Suchi


  • Meenu Annadurai

    Meenu Annadurai is the founder & editor of The Nerdy Bookarazzi. Meenu is a Customer Specialist by day and a writer by night. She published her debut novel 'A Place called Home' with Half-Baked Beans which is now available on Amazon. She is insanely addicted to her bookshelf and super possessive about them. She is in a serious relationship with her current Book Boyfriend. [email protected] Annadurai Meenu
  • Suchitra Shekhar

    Suchitra is a Publishing Manager who loves spending quality time with her favourite fictional characters. Always lost in a reverie. Or in a book. Aren't they the same? She can be found knee-deep in mud on the weekends tending to her little garden. Suchitra is a people's person who loves making new friends. [email protected] Shekhar Suchitra