Fictional Characters

New Beginning

Hey Bookish people, I hope you guys are doing awesome.

So this post is something like an announcement. For quite sometime I had been thinking about what kind of a content can I stuff into this beloved Book Blog of mine, “THE NERDY BOOKARAZZI. I had been brainstorming with my friends and also googled a lot but nothing seemed to be working out. And that was pretty frustration because I wanted to give so much to you guys but I was facing dead-ends in all directions.

That when this happened, I’m a part of this amazing WhatsApp group called “The Little Things” which is filled with a handful of goodhearted souls. It was initiated by the my lovely friend Nandha Gopal who is more like brother from another mother and I’m really thankful to him for bringing “The Little things” into our lives. So basically this small group is about finding happiness in smallest of things, it can be anything, finding kindness in a stranger, having good conversation with a kid, going on a nostalgic trip, literally it can be any tiny-winy thing. We sharing our positive and happy experience with life in that group and as a group we learn to become a better versions of ourselves. This lockdown has provided us with a lot of time to interact with each other, we are currently discussing two topics a week and I would say all the topics are awe-inspiring. This group is keeping us pretty engaging in this lockdown.


This week, we got to talk about our favorite fictional characters, which was the topic I had been waiting for a very long time. While discussing our favorite fictional characters, we got to know about lot of new characters and I felt so happy and alive having this conversation. Nothing made me more happier than this. That’s when I got the idea to talk about my favorite fictional characters and my book boyfriends over here. We all have favorite fictional characters, it can be from books or movies or TV shows or cartoons. I’m damn sure there won’t be a single human being without a favorite fictional character. But the point is we hardly get a chance to vociferate about them.

So to compensate these shortcomings, now on I will be frequently discussing about the fictional characters that touched my heart and made me fall in love with them. I’m cent percent sure this is going to so much fun. And I also want you guys to share your favorite characters in the comment session below. I’m super excited to do this.

Stay Tuned for this favorite fictional characters series. I hope you are all as excited as I am.



  • Meenu Annadurai

    Meenu Annadurai is the founder & editor of The Nerdy Bookarazzi. Meenu is a Customer Specialist by day and a writer by night. She published her debut novel 'A Place called Home' with Half-Baked Beans which is now available on Amazon. She is insanely addicted to her bookshelf and super possessive about them. She is in a serious relationship with her current Book Boyfriend.