
Book Review : The Emperor by Ram Joshi @ramjoshionline

Title : The Emperor : Live the Dream

Author : Ram Joshi

Genre : Fiction ; Motivational & Inspiring

Pages : 133

I received this Review Copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you so much Mr Ram Joshi for giving me this opportunity to read the newly launched book of yours. I really feel very happy and privileged to have read this amazing book!!


“Here is to all the crazy ones who do not have wings, but have a dream to fly”

Once upon a time,

One little penguin saw a dream.

A dream others believed was impossible to achieve.

A dream he wanted to pursue but procrastinated.

A dream that required an act of great courage, but he suffered self-doubts.

A dream that required him to keep going in every circumstance, but he did not even know where to start.

How would he overcome these challenges and his failures?

How would he achieve his dream?

Travel with him on this exceptional journey of transformation to experience the adventure, see new possibilities, ignite your mind and learn how to live the dream.


The Emperor is the newly released book of the author, Ram Joshi. It is the story of a Penguin in Antarctic who has big aspirations and dreams like anyone of us but doesn’t has the gut or confidence to go after it.

The story revolves around this very cute and fat little Penguin, Em. The characterization of Em was so real and wonderful. The way Em’s character developed with each passing page was gradual and phenomenal. Em is an outstanding protagonist whose thought process and dedication will motivate anybody who is reading about him. The author had created Em’s character so very beautifully. The maturity level of Em was tremendous, while reading the book, the readers simply cannot stop adoring Em.

The author had beautifully narrated the story from a Penguin’s perspective, he also threw some light on the life of Penguins in Antarctic, how they live and survive together as a tribe. And he had also told about their limitations and the constant danger that encircles them. The way the author had written the details of the book will immediately take the readers away to Antarctic and make them feel the extreme climate of it by just being in the enclave of their homes. His writing was that powerful and strong.

This book had a lot of motivational and inspiring sequences which will bring about a lot of impact on the readers’ minds and hearts. It was really a short book and his writing style made it a very quick read. Anybody could finish this book in one-sitting. Though the book is short the impact it had made on the readers will linger on forever.

Em’s character felt so relatable, the character has been structured in such a way that every reader could see themselves in Em. The little Penguin had so much emotions and feelings bottled up within himself and whenever that raises its head, his character became even more real and heartwarming.

It is always quite difficult to write a story from an animal or a bird’s perspective for adults (basically anything that’s not human) because it might be quite difficult for the readers to get into an animal’s shoes and see the world from their eye. Once the relationship is accomplished between the reader and the non-human protagonist, then it is obviously a success. Very few authors were able to do that and Ram Joshi is one among them.

My views

So, I basically believe a book will happen to you when you needed it the most and so far that’s how my reading journey has ever been. When Mr Ram Joshi told me about his new book, I simply read the blurb, I couldn’t even make out what genre it was but something in that blurb and the cover intrigued me so much that me want to read it right away. So, I jumped at the first opportunity to read this book. After this pandemic, I usually quarantine my books at least for a week but with this book I couldn’t stop myself. I immediately opened and started reading it and finished it in no time. It was such a good book. Thank you so much Mr Ram Joshi for giving me this wonderful opportunity.

I loved Em so much, I used to love Penguins so much as a kid but as I grew up I almost forgot that I loved them. This book rekindled my love for them and made me have a closer look at their lives.

Em was so very adorable and inspiring. His dreams and the things he does to accomplish it was really wonderful. He taught me a very important lesson that I needed to know right now. He has given me the strength and self-motivation to fight and struggle for my dream.

Dear Em aka Emperor you’ve brought about a good change in me when I needed the most. I hope I will be as daring and strong and smart as you and I will fight hard to be so.

My Rating for this book would be 3.8 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I would like to recommend this book to all the people who have a dream but isn’t strong enough to take the first step towards it. This book will brighten up your spirit if you’re low. This book can be read by anybody from a child to an elderly person. Do your spirit, heart, mind and dream a favor by reading this book.

Here is the link to buy this book

Hope you will get benefited from this book as much as I did!!

Do read this Book and tell me how you feel about it!!

Happy Reading Folks!!

~ Meenu


  • Meenu Annadurai

    Meenu Annadurai is the founder & editor of The Nerdy Bookarazzi. Meenu is a Customer Specialist by day and a writer by night. She published her debut novel 'A Place called Home' with Half-Baked Beans which is now available on Amazon. She is insanely addicted to her bookshelf and super possessive about them. She is in a serious relationship with her current Book Boyfriend. [email protected] Annadurai Meenu