Blog tour · Fiction

Blog Tour : Jam Sessions by Jerry Harwood @Shalini_G26

Title : Jam Sessions

Author : Jerry Harwood

Genre : Middle grade ; mental health

Pages : 214

I received the Review Copy of this Book from Digital Reads Blog Tours in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Shalini for this wonderful opportunity to read and review this amazing book by Jerry Harwood and also thank you for making me part of this Blog Tour!

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Meet Phillip. His mom relocates him to a new school in the middle of the school year.

Things do not go well. Phillip lands himself a trip to the dean of student’s office when he tries to forge his mother’s signature. Maybe if he spelled her name correctly it would have gone better.

Phillip also finds himself having more and more anxiety. And the song some bullies are singing is certainly not helping:

Phillip Willip, Puddin and Pie.
Got a bad grade and made him cry.

There is one class Phillip has that is going well. It is with Mr. Filter, who starts each day with a writing prompt. These “jam sessions” allow students to be creative and enjoy writing. Phillip writes about being a basketball on a soccer field. Another day he writes about receiving two dragon eggs in the mail, one for himself and one for a particularly cute girl.

But will Phillip ever be able to make his real life go as well as his Jam Sessions?


Jam Sessions is a story of a Middle Grade student, Phillip who has been subjected to a very big change in his life. He and his mother get separated from their father and start over their life from scratch in a very new place. Phillip is sent to a new school, he finds it difficult to get accustomed to the new changes and gets himself in trouble though he is not really at fault. Because of the changes and the bullying he faces at the new school he starts getting anxiety attacks. The only good thing in his life is the Jam sessions his teacher, Mr Filter conducts everyday in their class. Will Phillip overcome his anxiety and gets control of his life or not is the basic plot-line of this book.

The plot of this book was really sharp and engaging. The chapters were really short and that helped the readers to swish pass the pages easily. Though this book has been written for middle grade kids, it was written in such a way that it peaks the interest of the adult readers as well. The writing style was really simple and easy to understand. The author has deliberately written it in a way in which it could reach his audience perfectly.

The best thing about this book was the Jam Sessions conducted by one of the teachers, Mr Filter at Phillip’s school. The characterization of this teacher was extraordinary. The kind of impact the teacher was trying to bring about in his students through his Jam Sessions, his actions and his mentality was remarkable. He was this teacher who everybody loved and adored very much and his classes was extremely interesting to attend, even for the readers.

The prompts, Mr Filter gave to his students everyday was really unique and delightful. His prompts had the full capacity to trigger the imagination and creativity of the the student to the maximum level. The way the kids used his prompts was seriously mind-blowing, everyone had written it uniquely and tremendously. The direction every kid’s mind took whenever Mr. Filter gave a prompt was really spectacular.

The character development and character arc of Phillip was commendable. His mindset, the manner in which he approach certain things were very age appropriate. It felt like the author had practically turned into a middle grade kid to write the book because throughout the book it felt like a middle grade kid has written and narrating the story to the readers. This single feature made the book extremely realistic and relatable. Phillip’s character was very natural, he had every characteristic a kid would have and it was in no way cliche or anything at any part of the book.

The other kids in this book was also really amazing. Everyone had a distinct characteristic and the way they all become friends or enemies with Phillip was extremely natural and great to read as well. How these kids spent their time with each other at school and the concern they have towards their new friend Phillip was remarkable. While reading, these kids trying to help Phillip in all possible ways from their power was heart warming.

Though Phillip only spent few moments with his family but each and every single situation was very soothing and it will make your heart gloat with immense happiness. The wood carving lessons and other quality time spent with his grandfather was extremely adorable. And the way Phillip’s mom was supportive towards him and the way she raised him was something really nice. On the whole, all the characters was extremely nice to read and they all served their purpose correctly.

There were these very nice and suitable illustrations in between the chapters which helped the little readers visualize the book and it’s plot a bit more easier.

This is that one book which every kid out there should read. Because this book will teach them so much about life, their growth, their mindset and also this book talks about anxiety and mental health at layman level which a kid could assimilate and make use of it, if and when the need arise.


I absolutely loved this book so very much. I usually feel like I’m too old to read kids or middle grade or young adult books but this book completely vanquished that very thought from my mind because during the full duration when I was reading Jam Sessions, I was practically living the life of Phillip and as Phillip. The author’s talent and ability to write good story and the narration capacity made me forget my reality in no time. I loved it so much.

I would suggest every kid out there to read this book because obviously it will help them take the right direction on the journey of their life. This book is a must for all kids. Just because I am emphasizing on kids it doesn’t mean adults shouldn’t read it. Adults can also read it and experience it because it will take you back to your middle grade. Adults please read this book and encourage the young reader in your family or friends circle to read it without fail.

My rating for this book would be 4.2 out of 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Do read this book and let know how you feel about this book!

Happy Reading Folks!!

~ Meenu


  • Meenu Annadurai

    Meenu Annadurai is the founder & editor of The Nerdy Bookarazzi. Meenu is a Customer Specialist by day and a writer by night. She published her debut novel 'A Place called Home' with Half-Baked Beans which is now available on Amazon. She is insanely addicted to her bookshelf and super possessive about them. She is in a serious relationship with her current Book Boyfriend. [email protected] Annadurai Meenu

4 thoughts on “Blog Tour : Jam Sessions by Jerry Harwood @Shalini_G26

  1. I very much appreciate the kind words and review. FYI – an entire classroom set (digital) is availble for teachers for $2 on Teacherspayteachers and includes many of the writing prompts you enjoyed. I will even help teachers who need author pricing for classroom copies if digital doesn’t work.

    1. Thank you so much!! And once again thanks for letting us know about it the availability of these prompts and your willingness to help!! Means a lot!!

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