
Somewhere Beyond Hope by Deepali Adhikary @HalfBakedBeans

Title : Somewhere Beyond Hope: A tale of grief, loss and a promise of tomorrow

Author : Deepali Adhikary

Genre : Contemporary fiction

Pages : 174

I received this Review Copy from Half Baked Beans in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you Half Baked Beans and Book Marketing Consultant Richa Saxena!!

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A young girl who wants to believe in ‘happily ever after’.

A boy who wants to fight hard to hold onto his picture-perfect world.

An almost broken marriage and a mother who will now live with guilt all her life.

Jenny was blissfully unaware of what lay for her in the future. She was happy in her world which revolved around her mother. When her world in taken over by a monster of a stepfather, Jenny finds solace in a schoolmate. For Jatin, Jenny is the only one he can call a friend and he will go to any lengths to keep her safe. But how far he would have to go?

Meera’s seemingly perfect world comes down crashing when a tragedy strikes. Her perfect marriage succumbs, and she is left with nothing. She clings on to hope with all her might that things will get better. But what if they do not? For how long she will survive before grief and guilt drown her? 


Somewhere Beyond Hope is a deep novel written by Deepali Adhikary. It is a story revolves that around two families. Jenny is a young girl who is content with her life. Her life is filled with her friendly and caring mother, her spectacular friends, and her love for feel-good rom-com movies and songs. Jenny believes her life is perfect and she couldn’t be more happier but the entry of her stepfather changes her life upside down. Jatin, her friend from school. He has a picture-perfect life when you see from outside but only Jatin knows that his family is crumbling with every single day. Both Jenny and Jatin are each other’s support systems. When a tragedy hits, it not only affects Jenny and Jatin but also both their families. This is indeed a tale of grief, loss and, a promise of tomorrow.

This book, despite being a very short read, it has so many distinct characters and emotions. The way the tempo of the book changes from a funny and light-weighted mood to something really intense and deep was absolutely tremendous. As mentioned above, the book has covered all the possible emotions at a greater and deeper level. This showcases the ability of the author to write any extreme emotions effortlessly.

The author has given enough space for each and every character in this book to flourish and grow. The character development of all the characters was commendable. All the characters played a very crucial role in the development of the plot. Almost all the lead characters in the book were likable.

It was an extremely heart-breaking and an emotional read. A book that is filled with emotions is the best because it will help the readers get connected to the book and the characters at a deeper level. The author is very brilliant in the aspect of pouring the emotions of the characters on the pages of the book.

The setting of the plot was great. This book majorly aims at conveying the hope and promise of tomorrow as that is what helps every individual keep going and striving. The message this book has to say was very strong and solid. It also talks about heartbreaks and healing.

It is a very worthy and heart-touching book.


The way this book started was so adorable. I absolutely loved the character of Jenny. She was so lovely and lively. I could almost understand every emotion of her. The way she was changed into somebody else in the due course of the book was so heart-wrenching. I literally hated the decisions her mother, Preeti made but then when you see it from her perspective it was understandable. But definitely, Preeti could have done a better job. I hated Jenny’s step-father from every ounce of my body. He was indeed a monster and the way he was taking control of everything and bossing around literally made my blood boil.

Jatin was a nice kid. As portrayed in the book, he was very genuine, responsible, and adorable. And so were his parents. I loved their family despite their flaws. All three of them were matured. Jatin’s parents were the most important characters of this book and I loved them so much. At some point dwelling too much into Jatin’s mom, Meera’s life at a greater level seemed unnecessary but then towards the end, I could understand it was crucial for her development.

I was completely moved to tears at many instances and that’s what made this book really connectable. I think I completed this book in two sittings and it was superbly fast-moving.

I loved the writing style of the author and the way she approaches the emotional aspects of the book and its characters were mindbogglingly tremendous. I loved that about this book so much.

This book would be really relatable and useful for people who are looking forward to moving on and heal from emotional pain and trauma. This book could be of more help. It had the capacity to hold our heed for a very long time and it will also stay with us forever.

I really loved this book so much. It was emotionally draining but then it also thought me to heal and move with life. Tomorrow always holds a lot of positive possibilities and it always ought to be better.

My rating for this book would be 4 our 5 stars

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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Do read this book and let me know what you feel about it!

Happy Reading Folks!

~ Meenu


  • Meenu Annadurai

    Meenu Annadurai is the founder & editor of The Nerdy Bookarazzi. Meenu is a Customer Specialist by day and a writer by night. She published her debut novel 'A Place called Home' with Half-Baked Beans which is now available on Amazon. She is insanely addicted to her bookshelf and super possessive about them. She is in a serious relationship with her current Book Boyfriend. [email protected] Annadurai Meenu